
World of Owls is a voluntary centre and registered charity in which we are educational award winners.

We work within many areas of animal care, management, rehabilitation, conservation and education.

No one at World of Owls is paid, there are NO wages all proceeds after costs go to the animals in our care.

We do have many large running costs: Food, Insurance, Fuel, Vehicle running costs, vet fees, equipment, PL Insurance, registration & licensing and we try to also make a little money for the animals in our care.

Helping us by volunteering is very rewarding to both us and the volunteer. It takes a special kind of person to volunteer their free time to animals and their care.

We quite often are looking for volunteers if you are interested give us a phone call or email admin@

We really need the assistance of skilled volunteers, builders, joiners, gardeners, people skills.

Do you have what it takes? Do you have some spare time? Can you work well in a team?